1)What is one emotion you often find difficult to express? How does it manifest in your behaviour?
2)How do you normally cope with difficult emotions?
3)Can you think of a time when you experienced mixed emotions? How did you navigate those feelings?
Bittersweet Nostalgia: Feeling both joy and sadness when reminiscing about a past relationship or experience, such as remembering a lost loved one with warmth while also feeling the pain of their absence.
Pride and Sadness: Experiencing pride in a child’s accomplishments, like graduating from college, while simultaneously feeling sadness over their departure and the changes in family dynamics.
Excitement and Anxiety: Feeling excited about starting a new job or moving to a new city but also experiencing anxiety about the unknown challenges that lie ahead.
Love and Loss: The emotional conflict of feeling love for someone while also grappling with the sadness of a breakup, where cherished memories evoke happiness and heartache16.
Relief and Guilt: Experiencing relief after ending a stressful relationship or situation while simultaneously feeling guilt for being unable to maintain it.
Joy and Regret: Celebrating a significant milestone, such as a wedding or promotion, while regretting the lost relationships or opportunities along the way.
Disgust and Humor: Finding something both disgusting and funny, such as during a comedic film that includes elements of gross-out humour, where laughter is intertwined with feelings of disgust.
4)How do cultural backgrounds influence our understanding and expression of emotions? Are there emotions that are more acceptable in some cultures than others? What about family background?
5)Reflecting on today’s activities, what is one new insight about your emotional awareness that you will take away?